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There’s something funny going on at DreamWrights. StAGEs, an award-winning theater arts program designed specifically for the over 50 crowd is entertaining, challenging, and intriguing participants. Designed to support older adults’ healthy and positive aging, StAGEs engages participants through theatre arts. Among the program’s goals are skill mastery and social engagement – fundamental components that encourage learning and build keen wit.


Mary Ligon (foreground) and the StAGEs troupe perform

StAGEs encourages active participation in the arts, learning and experimenting with theatrical techniques to tell stories, create plot and characters, build friendships, and laugh! Led by Teaching Artist, Amy “AK” Mullen, the group will explore the fun of improvisation and create its own ten- minute plays.

The series will culminate with a celebratory share back performance open to the public and free of charge. The share back will allow audiences to see “under the hood” of the exercises and participate in a Q&A talkback with the participants. Following the share back, an informal “coffee conversation” will provide an opportunity to mix, celebrate and converse.

StAGES meets weekly on Mondays from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm from March 12th through May 14th. Newbies are welcome and encouraged. Accommodations will be provided for those with physical limitations and/or stage fright. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants with a nominal fee of $10 per session. Pay $85 up front for the full 10 sessions and save. Full scholarships are available upon request. StAGEs will meet at DreamWrights, 100 Carlisle Avenue, York. DreamWrights is handicapped accessible with free, off-street parking. For more information or to register, please call DreamWrights at 717-848-8623 x1.