We’ve been good for goodness sake! This year, DreamWrights has taken the liberty of making a Christmas Wish List. We are hoping that Santa or his helpers might put a few of these new or gently used items under our tree (or drop them off at the box office). Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa!
New or gently used:
Bluetooth or plug-in-to-laptop speakers for use in rehearsals (to play sound from computers, tablets, phones)
Camcorder/ video camera
Digital camera
Ipad/tablet with camera
Laptop projector
Power strips
Camera tripod
Working electric pencil sharpeners
Corded Drills – Variable speed reversible
Cordless Drills (as long as the battery can hold a charge and the charger is included)
Grinder – got an old one that just sits on the shelf in your basement? It would do DreamWrights a world of good!
Hand power tools
Staple guns & staples
6’ or taller stepladders/ ladders
Fabric scissors
Folders for scripts (with brads for 3 hole punched paper)
Latex Paint (1/2 cans or more)
MailChimp license
Music stands
Quiet games and activities for ages 7 and up
Sewing machines- in good working condition
Snow blower
Working flashlights (do not need to come with batteries)
Always need:
Crafting supplies
½” glue sticks
A. C. Moore gift cards
Jo-Ann Fabrics gift cards
Neutral colored thread
Sew on Velcro
Tape – any kind
Twine and String
Office supplies
Black sharpies
“My Name Is” labels
Pencils (bonus: pre-sharpened)
Reams of white paper (with our without holes)
Rolls of postage stamps
Yellow highlighters
3” Drywall Screws
5 Gallon buckets
Duct tape
Batteries (all types –not car batteries, obviously!)
Blue light bulbs
Lowes gift cards
Glow tape
Masking tape (any and all width)
New mops and brooms
New tires for the van
Clip lights
Playdoh for the Sensory Friendly performance guests
Short mic/ audio cables (ask Bob for details)
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