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On Tuesday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 16 at 6:00 pm, DreamWrights will hold auditions for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Guest Director, Matthew Ballistreri is anxious to bring this magical production to the DreamWrights stage. He says, “About fifteen years ago when I started getting serious with theatre, I was the Assistant Director – and Cogsworth – on a great production of Beauty and the Beast. Since then I’ve always wanted to re-visit the show and be the one calling the shots!”

Beauty and the Beast

Ballistreri is looking to cast between 80 and 120 people over for his production. “Depending on how big we feel the ensemble can be, I’d love to come out of auditions with at least fifty enthusiastic people in each cast.” Ballistreri says he would like to get as many people involved as possible, anticipating a fun and educational theatre experience. “Everyone should come out with a positive attitude, be prepared to work hard, and we’ll put together a fantastic show.”

Auditions are open to all ages seven to adult. No prior experience is necessary. Those auditioning need only attend one audition night. There are small snippets of two songs on the website that auditionees should be prepared to perform. People auditioning should also come prepared to disclose their September and October conflicts. Crew positions will be filled from those auditioning. More information can be found online.

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast opens Friday, October 6 and runs October 6, 7, 13, 14, 20 and 21 at 6:30 pm and October 7, 8, 14, 15, 21 and 22 at 2:30 pm. Tickets may be purchased online or by calling 717-848-8623. Advance seats cost $10 for general, $14 for reserved. General admission seats at the door cost $12.